Friday, September 25, 2009

Water Under The Bridge

Arsenic and Old Lakes

Don't go near the water.

I got a notice today from Redding Municipal Utilities telling me, (and I guess the other people who get mail), that in compliance with the federal USEPA maximum contaminant level for Arsenic of 2006, the use of highly contaminated wells is being diminished, and the water supply is being diluted by less contaminated wells and surface water to bring our water into compliance with the 2006 levels.

I feel so much better about spending money for bottled water. Some people who have been drinking this water for years, "may experience skin damage or circulatory system problems, and may have an increased risk to getting cancer". I guess I should be happy I don't live in the south and east redding pressure zones where the arsenic levels exceed the standard during summer peak demand.

This is not natural.
This is the product of the mining on Iron Mountain. It has been polluting the Sacramento river for over 100 years. They are assembling a "Super Dredge" to scour the hundreds of tons of toxic goop from the bottom of Keswick lake and Crystal springs toxic holding pond. This is some of the most toxic stuff on planet Earth that seeps into the Sacramento river and the Redding water table. Arsenic is just one of the poisonous substances in this sludge. The plan is to move the dredged toxic mess up the side of the mountain, into specially designed holding ponds where it will stay until they can figure out what to do with it. This, "plan", is costing more than 20 million dollars of Superfund toxic clean up money.

This will become interesting
once the Super Dredge becomes contaminated and inoperable, then it will slowly dissolve into the toxic lake to become part of the problem.

What Happened To Nature?

Screaming kids would be eaten by wild animals thereby culling that undesirable trait from the gene pool.

People doing something stupid would not live to replicate.

Ahh, the good old days when we were likely to die of "natural" causes by the time we were 35.

I was reading an article about how most deaths in our country these days, are self inflicted. That would include such things as smoking, drugs, drinking, risky sex, and even simple things like not wearing a seatbelt. The author pointed out that to buckle up can cost you 3 seconds. To choose not to use a seat belt can cost you your life.

Even though we know better,
we choose to shorten our lives by eating large quantities of unhealthy food, knowing it will lead to diabetes, heart disease, and a host of other life shortening issues. Diet soda is not food! If you are drinking it, just stop it, it's killing you! Those carbon dioxide bubbles are stressing your digestive system by killing the natural bacterial process. The chemical flavors and sweeteners are not recognized as food and are causing malfunctions in the digestion of real food.

To eat "fake" food is suicide.
It causes your body to think it is starving and turns your hunger switch on full time. You can't help but eat crap food until your body is a bloated, misshapen, blob of health issues, and still you need to eat more because you are eating low calorie, non-fat, non-nutritious, FAKE FOOD!

The lions would have
eliminated the slow, fat people, in no time.

In Other News;

There was an article in our local paper about a woman who was sentenced for welfare fraud. HERE.

The very first comment was a rant about social services and how bad they are. I couldn't resist...
HappyPhil writes:

What? This person is caught and you are complaining? You really need to lay off the Glenn Beck.

The guy responded that he didn't watch Glenn Beck, but in his words; "I listen to Laura Inghram".

First of all, he missed the wry humor of my "Lay off the Beck(s)", joke, and failed to see the comedy in his posting about a problem that did not exist in the article. But the funniest part was him invoking Laura Ingraham as a better source than Glenn Beck. VIDEO of Laura at work.

(BTW the HappyPhil link above, shows all my comments to the Redding Record Searchlight.)

Eggplant Parmesan

I got a pre-made, refrigerated, packaged dinner at Trader Joe's. I like it. This is the second time I have brought it home for dinner.

This is 1/2 of the package. It took 4 minutes in the microwave. I will eat the other half tomorrow, or the next day.

I am not sure what all is in this dish, but I feel healthier after I eat it.

One of my favorite songs is in this video.

You can scoot forward to 8:10, but I think it's fun to watch the terrific animation that once was the hallmark of Disney.

Food For Thought

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