Friday, December 25, 2009

The Future Looks Bright

Begin Year 3
Sunrise at the Treehouse Apartments 12/23/09

I moved into
my Treehouse apartment in Redding, on 12/21/2007, to begin a new awareness of this wonderful world I live in.

When I first arrived here, I was semi-helpless and relying heavily upon the good graces of the cosmic consciousness to carry me through each day. That worked wonderfully well, and if things aren't going well in your life, I highly recommend letting a higher power lead the way. I am stronger now, 2 years later, but I have come to rely upon the advice and direction of God, as I understand It. It works for me.



I Love It Here
Clear day today and beautiful.  12/23/09

I am so fortunate
to have been called to Redding when I needed some healing of my body and soul. I never imagined I would be living in Redding, let alone thriving. What a wonderland of nature and people.

Gun At A Snowball Fight

See the AP footage, HERE.

This genius off duty policeman got out and drew his gun after his car was hit by a snowball while driving through a 200 person snowball fight. Fox news tried to spin this in the cops favor by claiming it was a peace demonstration that got out of control and he was defending himself from the violent protesters. Unfortunately for the cop and Fox, the Associated Press got the real story on video.

AP - Washington's police chief criticized a veteran detective Monday for pulling a gun during a mass snowball fight. Authorities said the officer is on desk duty while the case is under investigation.

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.
Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.
Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzin, had to be a girl.
We should have known…...
ONLY women would be able to drag a fat-ass man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

Methland by Nick Reding

One of the books
I am currently reading addresses methamphetamine and the deterioration of Americas heartland. It is heartbreaking and frightening to read about what is happening to the fabric of what used to be thriving small towns all across America. There is nothing good about this drug that is permanently altering the brains of those who use it. From it's discovery in 1898, it was the perfect fuel for the industrial revolution. Workers would feel good about 12 hour shifts. Soldiers would march for days. It was considered to be the wonder drug that did it all. Read how the DEA screwed up and let the pharmaceutical company lobbyists block efforts to control the illicit manufacture of this drug. Learn the story of how one teenage girl in Iowa, became Americas biggest manufacturer and distributor of the purest, most potent form of methamphetamine ever made.

This story is astonishing.


Monday, December 14, 2009

On The First Day Of Christmas

One of the reasons for ‘Phil’s Notes’ being a less publicized blog, is that I tend to be more expansive and inclusive of a broader spectrum of studies and opinions than most of my ‘Phil’s Place’ readers would be comfortable with.

Some of them have not had the benefit of a well rounded education.

Unenlightened, under-educated, and intellectually challenged, they are fearful of what they don’t understand. This means that they live in a state of constant fear because there is so much that they don’t comprehend. They distrust science, history, philosophy, and all knowledge that comes as a result of higher learning. They don’t read books, listen to classical music, or give a rat’s ass about healthy nutrition.

They can get confused
easily, and when they are confused, they become frightened, and their state of fear makes them dangerous. They are good people if you don’t scare them with big words and unfamiliar subjects. I consider some of those people to be my friends. I don’t direct them here.

Here is where
I can examine religious belief systems and present a broader concept of the power that brought about this universe.

I can call this infinite power God.

It, She, He, is much bigger than any religious description we humans can conceive of. I figure if it can create the universe, and all that is in it, it certainly is capable of being anything we can imagine. Can God possibly have an individual, personal plan for each and every human on the planet? Sure, why not? That would be child’s play compared to creating the milky way galaxy.

Explaining this simple concept to someone without the knowledge or mental capacity to understand it, is difficult. Siddartha Gautama, (The Buddha), tried to explain how to engage the essence of creation in ourselves, I can understand him.

God has been explained with hundreds of metaphors, images, parables, songs and plays, and I can reach God through each and every turtle story and fervent praying exercise that I have tried. But how can I share that joy, that bliss, that serenity with those who’s minds and hearts are imprisoned by a lack of education and compassion?

I am learning that the best way I can give the key to happiness, is to just be me. Like the song says; “This little light of mine. I’m gonna let  it shine”.

This seems simple enough, but to illuminate the darkness? To shine a light into the fog of negativity that is being pumped over the land like inky emissions from coal fired power plants? To banish the lies and anger that drives the Fox Faithful, the Apocalyptic Christians, and the plain old crazy, can be a little scary.

They cling to their beliefs because they are frightened. They are frightened because they lack the tools to obtain further knowledge and information. Their fear causes them to burn witches at the stake, to storm the castle with pitchforks and torches, to mistrust anything scientific.

this experiment in writing is mine. I am sharing it with you, but I am also writing it for the future me who will read it and observe myself from another perspective. Part journal, part research, part chapters for the book, and part therapy, I present this years take on my Christmas in 2009.

Santa's Birth Certificate?

A man named Nicholas was born in Turkey in 280 AD. He was very pious from an early age and devoted his life to Christianity. He eventually became a Christian priest and later became a bishop.

Nicholas had a reputation as a kindly, wise soul who was generous toward the poor. He was a rich young man who didn't like to be seen giving gifts. He traveled the country helping people, always at night after the children were asleep.

Who Is This?

  • Virgin birth
  • Twelve followers
  • Killing and resurrection
  • Miracles
  • Birthdate on December 25
  • Morality
  • Mankind's savior
  • Known as the Light of the world

If you guessed Jesus
, you would be mistaken. This describes a Persian sun god named Mithras.

Zoroastrian worship of the sun god included such notions as Mithras being born of a virgin in a cave on December 25. His birth was attended by shepherds. He was considered to be a master and a teacher. He traveled with 12 companions, performed miracles and promised immortality to those who believed in him. Upon his death, he was buried in a tomb and rose again after three days on March 25 (Easter).

Mithras preceded Christ by approximately 600 years.

The Saturnalia
was the Roman Winter holiday.
Saturn (Cronus in Greek) was the original creator of man in the Golden Age, when there was no winter and everyone was happy.

In A.D. 354
, the birth of Jesus Christ was set on December 25. The date is not believed to be accurate and is the same as the birth date of Mithras. Like the other holidays, Christmas is celebrated with festivity and gift-giving. It seems to have absorbed Mithras and Saturnalia traditions.

164 B. C.
(Hanukah / Hanuka / Chanukah) is a festival of lights that is symbolized by the candelabrum known as a menorah. Hanukkah celebrates a lighting miracle when one night's worth of oil lit candles for 8 days. Special foods and gift-giving are also a part of Hanukkah.

Brumalia was a Greek winter holiday associated with Dionysus (1,500 B.C.), and wine. By the time of the winter Brumalia, the wine was ready to be poured into jars for drinking. Although a Greek holiday, the name Brumalia is Latin, bruma being the Latin for Winter Solstice.

The Hindu Sankranti
historically takes place on the Solstice, although the date is January 14, which gives evidence to how much time has elapsed since it started. It is believed that people who die on this day end the reincarnation cycle, for which reason it is very lucky. Gifts are exchanged, sweets and other special food are consumed, and bonfires are lit on Sankranti eve, which is known as Lohari.

At the Winter Solstice, a boar's head is offered to the Vanir god Freyr.

There are many ways
to celebrate the Winter Solstice, and every one of them are just as valid as the others. The one thing you can count on is that the days will be getting longer after the celebrations.

Recent excavations
in  German caves have revealed art and musical instruments from 15,000 years before the Hebrew God created the world. Musicians and artists have been around before creation, if you take the Bible literally.

Happy Holidays